What do you get when you cross a duck and a linguist? A DuckLing of course!

Pets of LAEL: Gus and Vinnie

Pets of LAEL would love for you to meet the guinea pigs of Masters Student Hannah and author Molly: Augustus and Vincent!

Two guinea pigs are pictured eating a bell pepper. The leftmost one is brown with a calico pattern and a small tuft of hair on his forehead, and the rightmost piggy is black and calico as well.
(from left to right)
Gus and Vinnie enjoying a bell pepper – their favourite!

They have big names for such little guys, so are usually just referred to as Gus and Vinnie, the Boys, or the Guinea Pig Mafia. Gus and Vinnie were given to us for free by a co-worker who had an *incident* involving two guinea pigs who were incorrectly sexed as both males. Gus and Vinnie are both father and son as well as siblings – two of 28!

Gus, a brown calico guinea pig, wearing a mini sombrero Gus the guinea pig wrapped up like a burrito in a tea towel

Augustus (Gus):


  • Pancaking on laps
  • Squeaking
  • Trying to burrow underneath his brother


  • Vacuum cleaners
  • Being grabbed
  • Anime references


Vinnie, a black calico guinea pig, has a cuddle on a lap Vinnie trying to fit his too-big head inside of a loo roll tube

Vincent (Vinnie):


  • Tunnels
  • Nose boops
  • Kale


  • Vacuum cleaners
  • Being chased
  • Sharing his tunnel


These sweet boys have only been with us a week and are already comfortable enough to shout if their breakfast is late, so soon they will be ready to take on the world from the comfort of a hoodie pocket!