UCL Co-design activities and ‘Ageing lens’ focus groups and interviews

Following its series of diary studies run over the summer, UCL has been planning the next stage of co-design activity with older adult participants. We are currently looking at areas in East London to target for co-design recruitment. There are many minority ethnic communities here that are accessible through UCL East’s Stratford campus. By engaging these communities we hope to […]

Publications and Policy Design

The last few months have sped by, with CHI publications submitted by both UCL and Lancaster. Phase 1 Social Justice lens interviews are in the final stage of transcription and are being analysed using ATLAS.ti qualitative data analysis software, with findings due to be shared with the team over the coming weeks. Judith has continued her policy-related work (see previous blog […]

INTERACT workshop

Work continued on CHI publications and Julia and Caroline met up to plan recruitment for the Phase 2 interviews and focus groups, which will be exploring issues relating to the Ageing strand of the project. In late August, UCL organised a workshop on AI Technologies for Older Adults at INTERACT 2023 in York, UK. Plenty of interesting, wide-ranging discussions covering […]

Social Justice Interviews and CHI publication

Julia completed the last of 15 interviews focused on the Social Justice strand this month, with transcription and analysis work due to take place after the summer break. Ongoing preparatory work for a literature-review CHI publication was also undertaken, with a first draft of core sections ready for review.

Project meeting and UCL diary studies

The project team met up mid-May in the beautiful Cockerham countryside near Lancaster to discuss progress and plans for the various research strands of the project. Judith also gave an introduction on how she sees her role developing over the coming months. Pleased to say the weather was set fair. UCL began their series of 7 day diary studies with […]

Welcome Judith!

April was a good month because, in addition to Easter eggs and forging ahead with more Social Justice lens interviews, we also welcomed Judith Tsouvalis to the team here at Lancaster! Judith’s particular focus will be on how the concept of ‘older adult’ is constructed in the Sociotechnical Imaginaries (STIs) of digital futures advocates, including the Government, digi tech companies, […]

Pilot Interviews and INTERACT Workshop

At Lancaster, an initial set of pilot interviews (relating to the ‘Social Justice’ research strand of the project) has been conducted with older adults at a local community centre. A project has been set up for these interviews within ATLAS.ti, using a number of a priori categories and codes (primarily participant attribute codes) in preparation for qualitative data analysis. Recordings […]

Ethics, Mock Interviews and Recruitment

Following ethics approval earlier this month, some time has been spent refining interview questions for the Social Justice lens. Julia made contact and visited a well-used local community centre on a couple of occasions, and we’ve been fortunate that they’ve offered support in hosting and helping us recruit for the first set of around 20 interviews. The intention is for […]

DigiAge Project Meeting, UCL

Following the first meeting at Lancaster in October 2022, the project team met at the UCL Interaction Centre (UCLIC) on the 26th and 27th January to discuss progress and to welcome Ewan to the team. On Thursday, and as part of an open Q & A format, Bran, Aneesha and Caroline provided details of their respective research strands, Julia gave […]