BCS HCI: Workshop Call for Participation

Exploring Generational Dynamics in HCI: Call for Workshop Participation at BCS HCI 2024 Date: 15th July 2024 Location: UCLan, Preston, UK Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/SnXUE55mVX Are you interested in exploring the impact of age on technology interactions? Do you want to find out more about life experiences, resource accumulation, and attitudes towards technology shape individuals’ interactions with digital interfaces? If […]

CHI and EmpathiCHI Workshops Accepted!

Excited to announce that both our CHI 2024 HCI and Aging: New Directions, New Principles: New Directions and EmpathiCHI workshops have been accepted! The CHI workshop Bringing together a panel of experts, this workshop will reflect on where the HCI and Aging field is now, how it got there and where it is heading. One aim of the workshop is to […]

Publications and Policy Design

The last few months have sped by, with CHI publications submitted by both UCL and Lancaster. Phase 1 Social Justice lens interviews are in the final stage of transcription and are being analysed using ATLAS.ti qualitative data analysis software, with findings due to be shared with the team over the coming weeks. Judith has continued her policy-related work (see previous blog […]

INTERACT workshop

Work continued on CHI publications and Julia and Caroline met up to plan recruitment for the Phase 2 interviews and focus groups, which will be exploring issues relating to the Ageing strand of the project. In late August, UCL organised a workshop on AI Technologies for Older Adults at INTERACT 2023 in York, UK. Plenty of interesting, wide-ranging discussions covering […]

Lloyds ‘Consumer Digital Index’ Event

An annual event put on by Lloyds Banking Group this morning, following publication of their 2022 UK Consumer Digital Index report, which they describe as “The UK’s largest study of digital and financial lives and the Essential Digital Skills measure”. Data was collected by Ipsos using phone interviews with 4,099 adults selected to be representative of the UK population, with […]