
Good Place Lab

Welcome to your very own space for experiments, learning and fun! This lab has been developed by Good Place Innovators, a Lancaster University team passionate about innovation and responsible approach to places where we live and do business. Are you ready to innovate and have a good time?

Explore Each Section
Here We Go…


Our inspiration came from looking around us and getting to the bottom of what makes students happy on our beautiful Campus. We walked around, talked to our fellow students and sourced the most intriguing challenge for you to tackle. Yes, we rely on your to use your innovation skills and help us find a creative solution to a very wicked problem that we have encountered on our Campus.
You want to know what the challenge is? We know, it is exciting and it will all soon be revealed. But before we get stuck into the innovation, let’s have a little think about what we mean by innovation.


We are curious about what you think innovation is. Please, share your personal definition with us here on our Innovation Board – Question 1. This board will be a place of our communication and progress monitoring – we hope you like it.


Well done on completing your first task. It is not that straightforward, is it? Many people will define innovation differently. Some people imagine big technology changes, artificial intelligence, and some will look at their neighbourhoods and see fantastic innovations right on their streets. We have asked one of our local entrepreneurs and an owner of an innovation agency, Jane Dalton, this very question. Listen in to the podcast where Jane is interviewed by one of our lecturers and answer the question – What is innovation according to Jane?


Podcast Guest Jane Dalton


Share your answer on our Innovation board – Question 2.


Skill Flower

During this digital learning experience you will practice many entrepreneurial skills that will prepare you for your postgraduate studies. The Skill Flower is based on Entrepreneurship competence framework that includes 15 skills. In our Innovation challenge we will practice 8 skills and at the end of each section you will have a chance to reflect on 3 skills that were a focus of the section. This is a great practice for developing your CV and collecting some great examples of how you gain new skills and how you practice them. We recommend you keep a diary and reflect after each section on your skills and capabilities. At the end of this challenge, your flower will be fully in bloom and your entrepreneurial mindset will flourish!
Don’t forget to move on to the next section…