Share a Story of your Innovation

Storytelling top tips
- Make it personal
- Appeal to the emotional side of your idea
- Use anecdotes, real life – this happened and then that happened
- Conclude with a call for action – tell people what you want them to do after they hear the story.

Activity: Record your story
Ready to share your story of the idea to solve our problem?
How might we create an inclusive Campus environment for students of diverse backgrounds and abilities to enjoy outdoor activities together in a safe and fun way?
Remember to include links to your University values, our Campus environment and the needs of our students.
Write a brief story of three to five sentences that brings your idea to life. You can also capture your main ideas in bullet points. When you are confident with your story, record it here for us to share. Record your story showing us your prototype – show us with your prototype how Adrian and Jack will be able to benefit from your innovation. We do not need to see you if you don’t want to appear on camera, what we are really after is understanding your prototype!
If you are a bit stuck, just focus on your innovation and imagine how it would change lives of Adrian and Jack!
And don’t worry, innovation takes many, many, many iterations. Just don’t give up. Get inspired by Michael in a TV comedy show called The Good Place, who tries to create a new version of the afterlife. His first attempt goes wrong, but he convinces his ‘boss’ to try again. The second attempt fails too, but he keeps trying. How many attempts has he made to record his story? Don’t get stuck in the bad place! It takes many attempts for innovators to get to the good place, and that is ok! Just do it!
An iterative approach is about continuous testing and improvement. It’s a fundamental concept in innovation!
We cannot wait to hear your ideas through the stories! Share your story on with the group.
Skills gained throughout this section:
Skill flower: [3]. Valuing ideas [6].Motivation and perseverance [8]. Learning through experience.