
May 19, 2016

Jenny Turton (British Antarctic Survey: PhD)

Jenny Turton

Name: Jenny Turton

Subject: BSc Earth Science with Geography and MRes Science of the Environment

Year graduated: 2012 (BSc), 2013 (MRes)

College: County, Graduate

Where are you now and what are you doing?
I am currently in my third year of my PhD at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) in Cambridge. The PhD is linked with the University of Leeds.

What would you like to do next?
Finish the thesis and start a postdoc, hopefully in USA or Europe.

Why did you choose to study at Lancaster?
I was attracted to Lancaster due to their study abroad programme, where I got to spend my 2nd year of undergraduate in Oregon, USA. I wanted to remain at Lancaster for my masters, as it was one of a few places which offered MRes schemes, as I knew I wanted to go into research. I also knew the quality of the teaching and research, and had built relationships with members of staff who helped me, and supervised me.

What was your favourite part of your degree and why?
For my MRes, it was having the ability to develop my research project freely, and talk with my supervisor openly about what I did/didn’t want to research.

How do you think your time at Lancaster prepared you for what you’re currently doing?
Undertaking an MRes was the best preparation for going down the PhD and research route, as it prepared me for sole research, working on my own, time management and writing long documents. It also allowed me to have a glimpse at academic life, and talk with staff about their experiences.

What did you enjoy most about your time at Lancaster? (Including extra-curricular activities and beyond)
Making life long friends, developing the graduate college netball team, and having a real sense of community from college living.


Jenny can be found here on LinkedIn.