
Call for new chapters for the book “Deep Biometrics” (May 20th 2023)
We are editing the 2nd edition of the book “Deep Biometrics” and welcome any new chapters relevant to this topic. We aim to include 10 more chapters in the new edition, besides the newly edited versions of the existing chapters.
Call for papers for Frontiers on AI (April 1st 2023)
We are organizing a research topic in Frontiers in AI about quantum AI and welcome you to contribute your new works to our special topic. Submission link is here.
Call for papers for JISA Special Issue (March 20th 2023)
We are editing a special issue “Recent Advances in Personal Human Identification based on Biomedical Traits” for Elsevier Journal of Information Security Applications  and welcome you to contribute your new works to this topic. Details can be find here.