The current schedule for the workshop is outlined below (UK time: UTC+1, Friday 14th May 2021). Note this may change to accommodate the majority of participants.
14:00–14:10: Welcome from the organisers
Workshop organisers will introduce themselves and the schedule.
14:10–14:50: Participant panels
Two simultaneous sessions in breakout rooms, each with two 20-minute panels consisting of 3-5 participants as panelists. Participants will be grouped based on differing viewpoints from overlapping themes discussed in their position papers. The organisers will facilitate the panel discussions, asking participants to expand on their position papers and discuss those of others.
14.50–15:10: Themes
As a whole group, workshop participants will participate in an exercise to identify themes of technology governance developed from the panels. Participants will choose a theme to discuss as a smaller group in the case study roadmap development session, based on their interests and expertise.
15:10–15:25: Scheduled break
15:25–15:40: Case study: computing and climate change
The roadmap development session will be oriented around how the computing community might define and meet sector-wide carbon targets. Because participants are not expected to be climate change experts, the organisers will introduce the task by delivering a short presentation that provides key facts regarding the computing’s current and projected carbon impacts, and specific challenges in devising a carbon strategy for the sector. The presentation will include slides and captioning.
15:40–16:30: Roadmap development
In breakout rooms focusing on the climate change case study and their chosen theme from the ideation session, participants will explore and develop concrete elements that would comprise an anticipatory governance strategy for sustainable computing. Organisers will facilitate note taking and participants will identify a ‘group lead’ to summarise the discussion back to the whole workshop in the roadmap feedback session.
16:30–16:45: Scheduled break
16:45–17:00: Roadmap feedback
Each of the group leads will feedback to the whole workshop group, providing a short summary of their discussions from the roadmap development session. Participants will be able to ask questions and comment on the groups’ ideas.
17:00–17:50: Identifying technology governance principles
A set of questions will be drawn from the prior session which newly constituted discussion groups will then explore in search of broad governance principles. Groups will work independently in breakout rooms, but each capturing their discussions in the same shared Google doc. This Google doc will form the basis for a publication output resulting from the workshop.
17:50–18:00: Summary from the organisers and next steps
The organisers will summarise the day and the next steps they will take post-workshop to disseminate the workshop results and technology governance principles. Participants will be encouraged to write-up and disseminate the outcomes from their small group discussions in the roadmap development session, as well as contribute to a publication summarising key governance challenges and principles for computing.