

Waitrose CTP Summer Team-Building Event

Written by Jennifer Davies. I (along with so many others) had a rocky start to the first year of my PhD but, for me, the end of the year was much smoother. After 12 months of being limited to virtual …

Celebrating Success

Congratulations to Catherine Walsh, one of our WCTP students, who gave a presentation at the UK Plant Physiology Conference 2021 entitled ‘Lost in photorespiration: the C2 ammonia rescue’.

Cover crops – is it worth it?

Written by: Mandy Stoker My farmer’s survey reveals the current state of play and provides an insight into views of this increasingly popular options for soil preservation. Agriculture is undergoing…

July 27, 2021 PhD

Plasticulture: A double-edged sword

Written by Sam Cusworth: Plasticulture; the use of plastics in agriculture, is a worldwide practice and has been ever-expanding since the 1950s. Replacing the traditional materials of straw, manure, p…

June 16, 2021 PhD

Celebrating Success

Congratulations to one of our WCTP students, Keira Dymond, on the publication of an article entitled ‘The role of insect pollinators in avocado production: A global review’  in The Journa…

DIY Laboratory: Apple Research under the Dome

Written by: Alex Bleasdale If there is one thing I have learned in the last year, it’s that working from home is not ideal for plant research. Living at home, close to my university had its benefits…

May 12, 2021 PhD

Can you judge a potato by its cover?

Written by: Ed Hill-King I am a PhD student with the Waitrose CTP in the first year of my four-year programme and beginning my laboratory research in the Lancaster Environment Centre. My research is f…

Making the Most of Your PIPS

Written by: Dion Garrett – My experiences of working with an industry partner and taking advantage of the opportunities they have to offer As part of the Waitrose Collaborative Training Partner…