

Evans, D. L., Falagán, N., Hardman, C. A., Kourmpetli, S., Liu, L., Mead, B. R., & Davies, J. A. C. (2022). Ecosystem service delivery by urban agriculture and green infrastructure–a systematic review. Ecosystem Services54, 101405. 

Walsh, L.E., Mead, B.R., Hardman, C.A., Evans, D., Liu, L., Falagán, N., Kourmpetli, S. and Davies, J.A., 2021. Potential of urban green spaces for supporting horticultural production: a national scale analysis. Environmental Research Letters.17 014052 

Mead, B. R., Davies, J. A., Falagán, N., Kourmpetli, S., Liu, L., & Hardman, C. A. (2021). Growing your own in times of crisis: the role of home food growing in perceived food insecurity and well-being during the early COVID-19 lockdown. Emerald Open Research3, 7.

Mead, B.R., Christiansen, P., Davies, J.A., Falagán, N., Kourmpetli, S., Liu, L., Walsh, L. and Hardman, C.A., 2021. Is urban growing of fruit and vegetables associated with better diet quality and what mediates this relationship? Evidence from a cross-sectional surveyAppetite163, p.105218  Also available via accepted pre-print: 

Kourmpetli, S., Falagán, N., Hardman, C., Liu, L., Mead, B. R., Walsh, L., & Davies, J. 2020. Scaling-up urban agriculture for a healthy, sustainable and resilient food system: the postharvest benefits, challenges and key research gaps. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation. Also available via accepted pre-print: 

Research summaries & policy briefs

Making community-scale food systems more resilient: Reorienting consumption practices by supporting community-scale supply chain models

Urban agriculture has potential to provide food security benefits in the UK

Upscaling urban agriculture may have benefits for dietary quality

Interactive materials

Rurban Hope Spots app and walking trail

Meeting slides & videos

April 2019: Kick Off Meeting Slides

October 2019: Liverpool Project Update Meeting Slides

July 2020: N8 Urban Cluster Workshop Slides

March 2021: Stakeholder Workshop, Rurban Revolution Overview

Apr 2021: End of Project Interactive Webinar