Rocky Climates

Author name: Jen Southern

Quiddity: The Sarsen Stones of Avebury – Fay Stevens

Quiddity: The Sarsen Stones of Avebury Fay Stevens The UNESCO World Heritage Site of Avebury (Wiltshire, UK) is an ancient stony archaeological place constructed using local sarsen stones of post-glacial Cenozoic silicified sandstone. The stones are formed through a petrification process in which silica-rich fluids seep into voids (created by rocks, wood, bones, shells) and

Quiddity: The Sarsen Stones of Avebury – Fay Stevens Read More »

Aggregate: Glittery stumbles around Blackhill Quarry with Edna Lumb in hand – Fritha Jenkins

Aggregate: Glittery stumbles around Blackhill Quarry with Edna Lumb in hand Fritha Jenkins For this conversation I propose to extend research which first took shape in the exhibition, Aggregate: Fritha Jenkins and Edna Lumb, curated by Catrionia McCara at Leeds Arts University in 2018. Aggregate constituted an experimental curation open to the public in a

Aggregate: Glittery stumbles around Blackhill Quarry with Edna Lumb in hand – Fritha Jenkins Read More »

They are breathing: living rocks and multispecies consensus – Perdita Phillips

They are breathing: living rocks and multispecies consensus Perdita Phillips For some time I have been grappling with how to use geological metaphors to make connections between people, ecosystems and physical processes, that might help unravel some of the more intractable ecological issues that surround us. Cultural theorist Astrida Neimanis and I wrote about the

They are breathing: living rocks and multispecies consensus – Perdita Phillips Read More »

Conversations in the Sedgwick – Rona Lee, Jean Boyd, Louise K Wilson

Conversations in the Sedgwick. Rona Lee, Jean Boyd, Louise K Wilson.   In collaboration with director Dr Liz Hide, we propose the archive and store of the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge (where Rona is an affiliated researcher) as our rocky environment. Designed by Cowper Griffith Architects and opened 2019, it houses

Conversations in the Sedgwick – Rona Lee, Jean Boyd, Louise K Wilson Read More »

Inter – Paula Kolar

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Inter – Paula Kolar Read More »

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