Rocky Climates

Jen Southern 
Red Screes 

This conversation took place at the foot of Red Screes, near Ambleside in Cumbria. Further up the mountain there are unstable screes where mountain rescue workers regularly have to help stranded or injured hikers. There’s a car park nearby, so in some ways its relatively accessible, but its a steep and challenging climb to the top. I was interested in exploring a sense of rockiness that means difficulty, danger and uncertainty by reading out written accounts of mountain rescue events while filming an otherwise picturesque landscape.

I also explored the surface texture of the glacial erratics by throwing clay onto the surface, sometimes picking up pieces of moss or lichen as well. The signal wasn’t great so the images are often blurry, but this made the clay seem like rock and so its softness came as a surprise when viewers at a distance expected solidity.


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