A star (✷) indicates participation or input from members of the Lancaster University Psychology Department.
Registered Reports
Open access publishing
Open data archiving
Methods and tutorials: websites
- Blog on methods and skills from LU Library ✷
- Data Conversations – Events at Lancaster University ✷
- Dynamic Data Visualisation for Psychology ✷
- Open Science Essentials
- Open Science Training Handbook
- Open Science Checklist for articles
- Open Research overview Cambridge University
- Resources from University of Glasgow
- The Turing Way: reproducible data science ‘too easy not to do’
Methods and tutorials: papers
Examples of papers
- Double non-replication paper with fully open materials, data, code (Silverstein, Westermann, Gliga, & Parise, accepted at Infant Behavior and Development): paper / repository ✷
Statements and commitments
Groups outside Lancaster
We invite you to share with us any relevant content, either in a comment below or in a private message.