Welcome to the Military Lives and Transformative Experiences project site. You will find information here concerning a research project taking place between September 2017 to October 2019 at Lancaster University, UK. The study is funded by the Royal British Legion‘s Aged Veterans Fund (funded by HM Treasury). You can meet the research team here.
Invitation to Participate
We are looking for armed forces veterans who were born before 01 January 1950 and who are resident in the UK to take part in the research project. You are welcome to take part if you have undertaken National Service or voluntary enlisted service.
We are interested in the way that veterans tell stories about their military experiences and how it may contribute to well-being to share these narratives. The project is looking at whether narrating experience and reading military autobiographies are useful for veterans’ lives. We know that many veterans have low levels of well-being, and this is of serious concern to individuals and service providers. We want to understand how helping veterans to engage with autobiographical stories might be beneficial to individual well-being, with a view to designing future interventions.
The study involves interviews and workshops, and you can participate in an interview, attend a workshop, or both. To find out more about the project, please contact:
Lancaster Medical School, Faculty of Health & Medicine, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YG.
Telephone: (01524) 592908
Email: b.mcwade@lancaster.ac.uk
You can also follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MilitaryLivesResearch/