How can we improve support for  pregnant migrants?

The findings from this research project will be discussed at end of project workshops in Manchester, Leeds, & Kirklees (see details below).  The goal of these workshops is to bring together migrant women, migrant support organisations, NHS staff, and other key stakeholders to discuss how we can apply the findings from this project to better support pregnant migrants in the future.

These workshops are open to anyone interested, including:

  • Migrant parents
  • Migrant activists, allies and supporters
  • NHS staff

Childcare & lunch will be provided.  Travel costs refunded for people on low incomes.

Manchester workshop: 16 June, 9.45 -2.45 (registration open at 9).  Z-arts, 335 Stretford Rd, Hulme, Manchester M15 5ZA

Leeds workshop: 30 June, 9.45 – 2.45 (registration opens at 9).  St George’s Conference Centre, 60 Great George St, Leeds LS1 3DL

Kirklees workshop: 4 July, 9,45-2.45 (registration opens at 9).  Brian Jackson House, 2 New North Parade, Huddersfield HD1 5JP

Registration is required, both to ensure we have enough catering and childcare, and also for Covid Safety.  Please email Gwyneth Lonergan on to register or for more information.