Topic 1: Introduction to LaTeX and TeX-studio
- Installation of LaTeX and TeXstudio
- Syntax
- Introduction to TeX-studio
Topic 2: Document Structure
- Global Structure
- LaTeX Input Files
Topic 3: Typesetting Text
- Text and Language Structure
- Line and Page Breaking
- Special Characters and Symbols
- International Language Support
- Titles, chapters, Sections
- Cross References
- Footnotes
- Font Styles, Sizes, Colors
- List Environments
Topic 4: Mathematical Notation – AMS LaTeX
- Single Equations
- Building Blocks of Mathematical Formulae
- Long Equations
- Multiple Equations
- Array and Matrices
- Theorems, Lemmas, Proofs
Topic 5: Bibliography
- bibTeX Files
- bibitem
- bibLaTeX
Topic 6: Verbatim Package
Topic 7: Tables and Figures
- Insert Tables and Figures
- Manage Large Figures and Tables
- Floating Figures and Tables
Topic 8: Beamer Presentation