Sundqvist (2005) Gender specific language in animated movies

Studies 10 pragmatic features in the films Antz and Finding Nemo in relation to gender specific language - talkativeness, interruptions, tags and hedges, discourse and topics, gossip, voice, standard and non-standard language, profanity, politeness and verbal irony and figurative speech. This study would be useful for those interested in statistical analysis of gender representation and … Continue reading Sundqvist (2005) Gender specific language in animated movies

Unger and Sunderland (2007) Gendered discourses in a contemporary animated film

Examines gendered discourses and stereotypes in the animated feature film Shrek. An overview is given of the various gendered discourses identified, and salient extracts are analysed in detail with respect to both visual and linguistic elements. This paper will be useful if you are interested in discourses around gender and the subversion of gender stereotypes, … Continue reading Unger and Sunderland (2007) Gendered discourses in a contemporary animated film

Zurru (2010) Breaking the Crystal Shoe

Conducts a multimodal stylistic analysis of the ‘Shrek’ saga’s portrayal of the character of Cinderella. Incorporates some linguistic analyses of multiple extracts across the first three ‘Shrek’ films, focusing specifically on the subversion and ‘exploitation’ of gendered stereotypes created in the original Disney film. This paper would be useful for those interested in a more … Continue reading Zurru (2010) Breaking the Crystal Shoe