Shimada (2011) Representations of girls in Japanese Magical Girl TV animation programmes from 1966 to 2003 and Japanese female audiences’ understanding of them

Provides a cultural context of the Shojo genre and japanese feminism. Textually analyses 6 different animations – Sally the Witch (1966-68), The Secrets of Akko-chan (1969-70), Meg the Little Witch (1974-75), Magical Angel Creamy Mami (1983-84), Sailor Moon (1992 -2000) and Magical Doremi (1999-2003). Focus on the traits, behaviour and language used in relation to the ‘Magical Girl’ genre, as well as themes of girl’s sexuality, witch craft and motherhood. This paper would be useful for those interested in the cultural and socio-political influences on the Shojo genre, as well as the representation of young female protagonists in animation

Shimada, A. S. (2011). Representations of girls in Japanese Magical Girl TV animation programmes from 1966 to 2003 and Japanese female audiences’ understanding of them (Phd, University of Warwick). University of Warwick. Retrieved from