Li-Vollmer and LaPointe (2003) Gender transgression and villainy in animated film

Covers the presentation of male villains from ten animated feature films as queer or transgressive in their performances of gender. Areas examined qualitatively include the villains' physical attributes, costuming and props, body language, activities, and dialogue, as well as more general queering of the antagonists. This article will be useful if you are interested in … Continue reading Li-Vollmer and LaPointe (2003) Gender transgression and villainy in animated film

Mahmoud (2021) Language and gender analysis of three Walt Disney movies

Investigates stereotypical feminine language use and its change over time in three Disney princess films from three different time periods, spanning from 1937 to 2010. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis is used and examples are given for each language feature in the form of excerpts from the film’s script. This study would be useful for … Continue reading Mahmoud (2021) Language and gender analysis of three Walt Disney movies

Makalesi, A. (2023) Reflections of the Female Identity Constructions in Animation Movies: An Analysis on Disney and Hayao Miyazaki Movies

Looks at the semiotics and visual representations of women in a range of Hayao Miyazaki and Disney films between 1984 to 2022. Detailed discussion on socially constructed gender roles and how they are reflected in the animated films of those times. The article focuses on visual framing of animated women, paying attention to body types, … Continue reading Makalesi, A. (2023) Reflections of the Female Identity Constructions in Animation Movies: An Analysis on Disney and Hayao Miyazaki Movies

Manaworapong and Bowen (2022) Language, gender, and patriarchy in Mulan

Examines the differences in male and female gendered language use across two different versions of Disney’s Mulan - the original 1998 version and the modern 2020 remake. Mostly quantitative data however there is some detailed qualitative linguistic analyses of examples from script extracts. The ‘Discussion’ section features a more critical interpretation of the results, relating … Continue reading Manaworapong and Bowen (2022) Language, gender, and patriarchy in Mulan

Müller-Hartmann (2007) Is Disney safe for kids?

Explores various teaching methods incorporating Disney’s animated films that take into account and critically reflect on messages of ethnic and gender stereotyping present within the films. Mostly for practical purposes of pedagogic practice with little linguistic analysis, however could be useful for those interested the relationship between EFL learning and the process of critically reflecting … Continue reading Müller-Hartmann (2007) Is Disney safe for kids?