Last Updated on 25/10/2023

2023 cohort onwards


The Thesis Preparation Assignment (TPA) is undertaken in the first year of training and is specifically designed to enable trainees to develop the knowledge and skills needed to undertake the thesis. It consists of two elements: a 4,500 word literature review (4,000 words for the review itself plus a 500 word literature retrieval summary), and a 2,500 word research proposal which is submitted separately, after the literature review. The literature review is assessed and marked as a piece of written work, whilst the thesis proposal is not marked but is peer-reviewed by the programme team. In order to pass the assignment, the thesis proposal must have been submitted.

Domains actively assessed

1. Collating information and knowledge
2. Critical analysis & synthesis
3. Strategy for application (deciding)
4. Performance skills
5. Responsive to impact & learning from experiences
6. Communicating information effectively
7. Interpersonal skills & collaboration
8. Organisational skills
9. Professional behaviour
10. Essential Knowledge

Preparing for the assignment

As the TPA involves preparatory work for the thesis, before starting work on the assignment the trainee must be allocated to a research supervisor who will go on to be the research supervisor for their thesis.

Once the trainee has been allocated to a research supervisor they identify a topic for their TPA literature review in discussion with their supervisor.

Structure of the TPA literature review

The literature review should take the form of a 4,000 word narrative review of research, clinical and theoretical literature which provides a foundation for the body of work the trainee intends to undertake for their thesis plus a 500 word literature retrieval summary. It should be formatted as a single Word document, written in APA style, structured as follows (section word counts are suggested as a guide):

  1. Introduction (800 words), to include: –
    • The background to the topic area and a rationale for the review, which makes reference to its relevance to clinical practice, policy (including relevant guidelines), and psychology theory as appropriate
    • A clear statement of the aims of the review
  2. Method (200 words). This should summarise the approach taken, including sources searched, search strategy used and approach used for synthesising the literature found. Reference can be made to the Literature Retrieval Summary for more detail.
  3. Synthesis/Findings/Results (2,000 words). The heading used for this section will depend on the approach taken. It should be structured in a way that is appropriate to the review topic and approach taken e.g. as themes or topic areas.
  4. Discussion (1,000 words), which should include identification of the research question to be addressed in the research proposal, based on the findings of the review.
  5. References (not included in the word count).
  6. Table of characteristics of included studies.
  7. Appendix A: Literature Retrieval Summary Form (500 words, plus the words on the form). This should be completed to provide an account of how relevant literature was identified and how decisions were made about what to present in the review.

Research Proposal

The research proposal is completed using the Thesis Proposal Form. It should be 2,500 words (excluding the text already on the form and your supervisor’s comments).

The thesis proposal will normally be developed from the literature review, in collaboration with the research supervisor.  Thus, it is expected that whilst the general research topic may be decided upon early in the assignment preparation process, the exact research question(s) to be addressed in the research proposal and details of the research design will not be decided until the trainee has completed the literature review.

It is expected that the rationale for the research proposal should draw upon the issues discussed in more detail in the review.

The research proposal should represent a feasible, ethical research study that meets the requirement of a DClinPsy thesis (see thesis guidelines for more detail).

Supervisory support for the assignment

It is expected that the trainee will meet regularly with their research supervisor during the process of completing the assignment.  As part of the supervisory process, the supervisor will provide the following support: –

  • Guidance on the choice of topic;
  • Guidance on the content, structure and approach to be adopted for the literature review;
  • Advise on literature searches and on literature to include and exclude;
  • Read a complete draft of the review;
  • Provide guidance in the development of the thesis proposal;
  • Read a draft of the research proposal prior to the trainee submitting it for review.

Process of assessment

Trainees have up to three attempts at the TPA literature review. To pass the assignment, the literature review must reach a passing standard in all assessed domains.

Submission 1 – April year 1 (full-time) or July year 2 (part-time)

Resubmission dates to be agreed as needed with the trainee’s tutor pair and in line with the deadlines policy.

A thesis proposal must also be submitted for the assignment pass to be confirmed.  This should normally be submitted 3 months after the literature review is submitted.  It is not necessary for the literature review to have passed before the thesis proposal is submitted – it is expected that work developing the thesis proposal will begin as soon as the TPA has been submitted.  However, the trainee may decide, in discussion with their supervisor, to wait until the literature review has passed before submitting the thesis proposal.

Review of the thesis proposal

The thesis proposal is submitted separately, within a maximum of three months after the literature review.  If the proposal is not submitted by the relevant deadline the TPA assignment will usually be failed. Once the thesis proposal has been submitted it will be reviewed by members of the programme team for its suitability as a DClinPsy thesis.  If the TPA literature review does not pass at the first submission point, but a thesis proposal has been submitted, the thesis proposal does not need to be resubmitted as part of the second submission.  It is intended that the thesis proposal can be developed into the research protocol which the trainee will need to submit with their ethics application.

Assessment guidance and forms

TPA – Trainee Guide
TPA – Trainee Feedback Forms
TPA – Mark Sheet
TPA – Research Choices Form
Thesis Proposal Form
TPA – Literature Retrieval Summary

2022 cohort


The Thesis Preparation Assignment (TPA) is undertaken in the first year of training and is specifically designed to enable trainees to develop the knowledge and skills needed to undertake the thesis. It consists of two elements: a 4,500 word literature review (4,000 words for the review itself plus a 500 word literature retrieval summary), and a 3,500 word research proposal which is submitted separately, after the literature review. The literature review is assessed and marked as a piece of written work, whilst the thesis proposal is not marked but is peer-reviewed by the programme team. In order to pass the assignment, the thesis proposal must have been submitted.

Domains actively assessed

1. Collating information and knowledge
2. Critical analysis & synthesis
3. Strategy for application (deciding)
4. Performance skills
5. Responsive to impact & learning from experiences
6. Communicating information effectively
7. Interpersonal skills & collaboration
8. Organisational skills
9. Professional behaviour
10. Essential Knowledge

Preparing for the assignment

As the TPA involves preparatory work for the thesis, before starting work on the assignment the trainee must be allocated to a research supervisor who will go on to be the research supervisor for their thesis.

Once the trainee has been allocated to a research supervisor they identify a topic for their TPA literature review in discussion with their supervisor.  The trainee completes a TPA Review Topic Form in which they give a brief outline of the title, aims and structure of the literature review element of the TPA. This is submitted to the TPA co-ordinator for approval to proceed. The trainee may be asked to revise or resubmit the topic form before approval is given.  Once the TPA topic form is approved the trainee completes the assignment.

Structure of the TPA literature review

The literature review should take the form of a 4,000 word review of research, clinical and theoretical literature which provides a foundation for the body of work the trainee intends to undertake for their thesis plus a 500 word literature retrieval summary. It should be formatted as a single Word document, written in APA style, structured as follows (section word counts approximate):

  1. Introduction (800 words), to include:
    • The background to the topic area and a rationale for the review, which makes reference to its relevance to clinical practice, policy (including relevant guidelines), and psychology theory as appropriate;
    • A clear statement of the aims of the review.Main body of the review (not intended as a heading). The heading – or headings – used for this section will depend on the approach taken. It should be structured in a way that is appropriate to the review topic and approach taken.
  2. Main body of the review (not intended as a heading). The heading – or headings – used for this section will depend on the approach taken. It should be structured in a way that is appropriate to the review topic and approach taken.
  3. Discussion (1,200 words), which should include identification of the research question to be addressed in the research proposal, based on the findings of the review.
  4. References (not included in the word count).
  5. Literature Retrieval Summary form (500 words, plus the words on the form).  This should be completed to provide an account of how relevant literature was identified and how decisions were made about what to present in the review.
  6. TPA Review Topic Form (appended, not included in the word count).

Beyond not being a systematic review, there is no prescribed format or approach for the review.  However, the review should lead to the identification of the research question that the trainee intends to address for their thesis.  Thus, the review might be an argument-based extended rationale for the thesis project, covering several topic areas.  Or it might focus in more detail on a specific topic area of direct relevance to the intended thesis topic.  It is expected that the trainee should decide upon a suitable approach to the review with their supervisor and that the structure and content will be appropriate to the review topic.

Research Proposal

The research proposal is completed using the Thesis Proposal Form. It should be 3,500 words (including the text already on the form, but excluding your supervisor’s comments).

The thesis proposal will normally be developed from the literature review, in collaboration with the research supervisor.  Thus, it is expected that whilst the general research topic may be decided upon early in the assignment preparation process, the exact research question(s) to be addressed in the research proposal and details of the research design will not be decided until the trainee has completed the literature review.

It is expected that the rationale for the research proposal should draw upon the issues discussed in more detail in the review.

The research proposal should represent a feasible, ethical research study that meets the requirement of a DClinPsy thesis (see thesis guidelines for more detail).

Supervisory support for the assignment

It is expected that the trainee will meet regularly with their research supervisor during the process of completing the assignment.  As part of the supervisory process, the supervisor will provide the following support:

  • Guidance on the choice of topic;
  • Guidance on the content, structure and approach to be adopted for the literature review;
  • Read a draft of the TPA Review Topic Form;
  • Advise on literature searches and on literature to include and exclude;
  • Read a complete draft of the review;
  • Provide guidance in the development of the thesis proposal;
  • Read a draft of the research proposal prior to the trainee submitting it for review.

Process of assessment

Trainees have up to three attempts at the TPA literature review. To pass the assignment, the literature review must reach a passing standard in all assessed domains.

Submission 1 – March Year 1 (full-time) or year 2 (part-time)

Submission 2 – July Year 1 (full-time) or July Year 2 (part-time)

Resubmission – March Year 2 (full-time) or Year 3 (part-time)

A thesis proposal must also be submitted for the assignment pass to be confirmed.  This should normally be submitted 3 months after the literature review is submitted.  It is not necessary for the literature review to have passed before the thesis proposal is submitted – it is expected that work developing the thesis proposal will begin as soon as the TPA has been submitted.  However, the trainee may decide, in discussion with their supervisor, to wait until the literature review has passed before submitting the thesis proposal.

Review of the thesis proposal

The thesis proposal is submitted separately, within a maximum of three months after the literature review.  If the proposal is not submitted by the relevant deadline the TPA assignment will usually be failed. Once the thesis proposal has been submitted it will be reviewed by members of the programme team for its suitability as a DClinPsy thesis.  If the TPA literature review does not pass at the first submission point, but a thesis proposal has been submitted, the thesis proposal does not need to be resubmitted as part of the second submission.

Assessment guidance and forms

TPA – Trainee Guide
TPA – Review Topic Form
TPA – Trainee Feedback Forms
TPA – Mark Sheet
TPA – Research Choices Form
Thesis Proposal Form
TPA – Literature Retrieval Summary

2021 cohort and earlier


The Thesis Preparation Assignment (TPA) is undertaken in the first year of training and is specifically designed to enable trainees to develop the knowledge and skills needed to undertake the thesis.  It consists of two elements: a 4,500 word literature review, and a word research proposal which is submitted separately, after the literature review.  The literature review is assessed and marked as a piece of written work, whilst the thesis proposal is not marked but is peer-reviewed by the programme team.  In order to pass the assignment, the thesis proposal must have been submitted.

Domains actively assessed

1. Collating information and knowledge
2. Critical analysis & synthesis
3. Strategy for application (deciding)
4. Performance skills
5. Responsive to impact & learning from experiences
6. Communicating information effectively
7. Interpersonal skills & collaboration
8. Organisational skills
9. Professional behaviour
10. Essential Knowledge

Preparing for the assignment

As the TPA involves preparatory work for the thesis, before starting work on the assignment the trainee must be allocated to a research supervisor who will go on to be the research supervisor for their thesis.

Once the trainee has been allocated to a research supervisor they identify a topic for their TPA literature review in discussion with their supervisor.  The trainee completes a TPA Review Topic Form in which they give a brief outline of the title, type of review, aims and structure of the literature review element of the TPA. This is submitted to the TPA co-ordinator for approval to proceed. The trainee may be asked to revise or resubmit the topic form before approval is given.  Once the TPA topic form is approved the trainee completes the assignment.

Structure of the TPA literature review

The literature review should take the form of a 4,500 word review of research, clinical and theoretical literature which provides a foundation for the body of work the trainee intends to undertake for their thesis. It should be formatted as a single Word document, written in APA style, structured as follows (section word counts approximate):

  1. Introduction (800 words), to include:
    • The rationale for conducting the review, including a statement of its relevance to clinical psychology theory and practice;
    • A clear statement of the research question the review will address, and the aims of the review.
  2. Identifying and deciding what to include in the review (500 words)
  3. The TPA is not a systematic review. As such, there is no method section. However, an account should be provided of how relevant literature was identified and how decisions were made about what to present in the review. This may include details of searches undertaken including search terms used and databases searched.
  4. Findings/results (or other suitable heading depending on approach).  (2,000 words). This may be structured into sub-sections.
  5. Discussion (1,200 words), which should include identification of the research question to be addressed in the research proposal, based on the findings of the review.
  6. References (not included in the word count).
  7. TPA Review Topic Form (appended, not included in the word count).

Beyond not being a systematic review, there is no prescribed format or approach for the review.  It is expected that the trainee should decide upon a suitable approach to the review with their supervisor and that the structure and content will be appropriate to the review topic. The scope of the review should reflect an appropriate balance of depth and breadth of knowledge, depending on the nature of the topic.

As part of the discussion section, it is expected that the trainee will identify the topic to be developed in their research proposal as a line of further research inquiry arising from the review.

Research Proposal

The research proposal is completed using the Thesis Proposal Form. It should be 3,500 words (including the text already on the form, but excluding your supervisor’s comments).

The thesis proposal will normally be developed from the literature review, in collaboration with the research supervisor.  Thus, it is expected that whilst the general research topic may be decided upon early in the assignment preparation process, the exact research question(s) to be addressed in the research proposal and details of the research design will not be decided until the trainee has completed the literature review.

It is expected that the rationale for the research proposal should draw upon the issues discussed in more detail in the review.

The research proposal should represent a feasible, ethical research study that meets the requirement of a DClinPsy thesis (see thesis guidelines for more detail).

Supervisory support for the assignment

It is expected that the trainee will meet regularly with their research supervisor during the process of completing the assignment.  As part of the supervisory process, the supervisor will provide the following support:

  • Guidance on the choice of topic;
  • Guidance on the content, structure and approach to be adopted for the literature review;
  • Read a draft of the TPA Review Topic Form;
  • Advise on literature searches and on literature to include and exclude;
  • Read a draft of a completed section of the review (up to a maximum of 1000 words), usually the introduction;
  • Provide guidance in the development of the thesis proposal;
  • Read a draft of the research proposal prior to the trainee submitting it for review.

Process of assessment

Trainees have up to three attempts at the TPA literature review. To pass the assignment, the literature review must reach a passing standard in all assessed domains.

Submission 1 – March Year 1 (full-time) or year 2 (part-time)

Submission 2 – July Year 1 (full-time) or July Year 2 (part-time)

Resubmission – March Year 2 (full-time) or Year 3 (part-time)

A thesis proposal must also be submitted for the assignment pass to be confirmed.  This should normally be submitted 3 months after the literature review is submitted.  It is not necessary for the literature review to have passed before the thesis proposal is submitted – it is expected that work developing the thesis proposal will begin as soon as the TPA has been submitted.  However, the trainee may decide, in discussion with their supervisor, to wait until the literature review has passed before submitting the thesis proposal.

Review of the thesis proposal

The thesis proposal is submitted separately, within a maximum of three months after the literature review.  If the proposal is not submitted by the relevant deadline the TPA assignment will usually be failed. Once the thesis proposal has been submitted it will be reviewed by members of the programme team for its suitability as a DClinPsy thesis.  If the TPA literature review does not pass at the first submission point, but a thesis proposal has been submitted, the thesis proposal does not need to be resubmitted as part of the second submission.

Assessment guidance and forms

TPA – Trainee Guide
TPA – Review Topic Form
TPA – Trainee Feedback Forms
TPA – Mark Sheet
TPA – Research Choices Form
Thesis Proposal Form