Last Updated on 08/08/2024

The programme has a dedicated staff team. Staff are also stakeholders of the programme, along with local clinicians, experts by experience, trainees, representatives from the employing body (Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust), commissioning body (NHS England), university and faculty representatives, and regional special interest groups. The programme works with all stakeholders in an effort to respond to local need and current training and practice issues.

A full list of programme staff is available on the Staff structure and line management document.

Programme office staff

The summary below shows the varied and numerous responsibilities of the administrative staff, and provides guidance on who should be approached regarding the main needs of trainees.

Katherine Thackeray

Programme Administrator

Katherine works part time Monday to Friday  and manages the running of the programme office and administrative team. You will mostly consult with Katherine regarding the following: –

  • Director business
  • Programme policies and procedures (advice and guidance, updates, access to etc)
  • Committee / Programme Board business
  • Trust HR liaison and paperwork
  • Queries and advice including pastoral care, disability issues, maternity leave and intercalation
  • Applications to attend a conference/access CPD funds and checking budget and entitlement (please note CPD expenditure is currently suspended in most cases)
  • University expense claims
  • Accommodation on placement
  • Selection and Admissions
  • Development and Implementation Group involvement
  • Fitness to Practise

Ruby Mitchell

Programme Coordinator (Clinical)

Ruby works Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. You will mostly consult with Ruby regarding the following: –

  • Placement documentation and associated issues
  • Sick leave and other absences
  • LSCFT travel expenses
  • Changes to your personal details (address, phone number, email etc)
  • Printer computer photocopier guidance

Sarah Heard

Research Co-ordinator

Sarah works full time. You will mostly consult with Sarah regarding the following

  • Research documentation
  • Purchasing of resources required to carry out research, where approved by the Research Director
  • The loan of mobile phones from the course for research purposes
  • Advice regarding postal arrangements for sending out recruitment packs
  • Reimbursement of expenses incurred by participants
  • Letters in relation to ethics and R&D applications
  • Viva examinations and associated procedures

Rob Parker

Programme Coordinator (Selections and Systems Development)
Tel 92691

Rob works for the programme full time. You will mostly consult Rob regarding the following

  • Selection and Admissions
  • Annual Plan entries
  • Programme Website
  • Programme Handbook
  • Teaching matters on Wednesday afternoons
  • Access issues on MOODLE
  • DClinPsy social media accounts
  • Operational Management Group matters
  • Technical, equipment, and ICT support

Christina Pedder

Programme Coordinator (Learning)

Christina works Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and specialises in teaching matters. You will mostly consult with Christina regarding the following: –

  • Any issues relating to teaching including teaching programmes, arrangements and registers
  • Teaching feedback (Qualtrics)
  • Accessing personal therapies
  • Learning and Teaching Policy Group matters
  • Anti-Racism Accountability Group matters
  • Use and hire of departmental equipment and resources

Jen Whitfield

Programme Coordinator (Academic)

Jen works Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. You will mostly consult with Jen regarding the following: –

  • Submission of work, process and format, receipt of marks and feedback
  • Exam Board matters
  • Exceptional Circumstances Committee
  • Assessment Development and Implementation Group matters

Kate Swift

Programme Coordinator

Kate works part time on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. You will mostly consult with Kate regarding the following: –

Erin Skillicorn

Programme Coordinator


Erin works part time on Mondays and Thursdays. You will mostly consult with Erin regarding the following : –

  • Independent Learning Support Plans
  • ePortfolios
  • Clinical Psychology Service (for Lancaster Medical School)
  • Teaching support cover

George Silverwood

Programme Coordinator (Governance)
