Last Updated on 08/08/2023


The Directors’ Committee takes an overview of the management of the Programme to ensure that it is operating according to the specifications within the contract between the Health Education England and Lancaster University. It considers, in its actions, the view of all partners in training. Members of the Directors’ Committee are the directors and deputy directors of the doctorate in clinical psychology and the programme administrator/deputy programme administrator.

The overall aims of the Directors’ Committee are:

  • The committee shall be responsible for the management of the programme budget
  • The committee shall be responsible for review of systems relating to mentoring and appraisal of all Programme staff
  • The committee shall consider issues relating to staff appointments
  • The committee shall consider issues relating to the integration of the Programme within DHR and within the wider context of the University
  • The committee shall consider the management of change that will become necessary to fit evolving demands and requirements of the NHS purchaser and of the University
  • The committee shall consider the wider context of management to ensure the Programme continues to meet standards set by the Health and Care Professions Council, the British Psychological Society, and other quality assurance agencies that may change over time
  • Programme staff will be invited to suggest items for the agenda

Directors Committee Terms of Reference