Last Updated on 08/08/2023

The remit of the programme’s Exceptional Circumstances Committee is to consider submissions by a trainee relating to events outside their control which may have resulted in them failing to complete assessed work to a standard of academic performance that might reasonably have been expected on the basis of their performance elsewhere during their study. The committee, which meets monthly, considers any submissions and reaches a judgement on whether the circumstances have been detrimental to a trainee’s academic performance. If so, it proposes a remedy for consideration by the Exam Board. The current Chair of the committee is Dr Euan Lawson, Senior Clinical Lecturer in General Practice, Lancaster Medical School. Other committee members are the clinical director, the chair of the pastoral development and implementation group, the chair of the examination board and the programme assistant – academic. If any of these members are unable to attend a meeting then their deputy may attend in their place. On each deadline date a request for any documentation is circulated to trainees. Any exceptional circumstances forms relating to a given assignment must be submitted within two weeks of that assignment submission. Exceptional circumstances cannot be submitted for an assignment submission that has not yet been made – in this situation the trainee should instead seek a deadline extension. Any queries regarding the administration/scheduling of the committee can be addressed to the Programme Assistant – Academic.

Some guidelines for submission of exceptional circumstances

  1. On the monthly deadline date a request for any documentation is circulated to trainees
  2. This documentation should comprise an exceptional circumstances form and supporting documents evidencing the medical condition or other adverse personal events for consideration as amounting to exceptional circumstances
  3. Circumstances likely to be considered ‘detrimental and requiring a remedy are only those that have not previously taken into consideration in terms of support for and adjustments to a particular assignment submission. Examples are:
    • Significant illness experienced by the trainee
    • Significant illness of an individual for whom the trainee has a caring responsibility
    • Death of a family member
    • Family breakdown
    • Significant unexpected life event
  4. Trainees must provide appropriate evidence to support their exceptional circumstances. This often takes the form of doctor’s notes or discharge letters.
  5. Trainees are advised to discuss their exceptional circumstances with their clinical and/or research tutor prior to submission. These staff members can advise on an appropriate submission and what would be considered sufficient supporting evidence.

Exceptional Circumstances form for students