
Beverley Whelan

Scoping Study: Towards a Family Justice Observatory – First Dissemination Event

2nd March 2017, 12.00 – 4.00 pm, Nuffield Foundation, London The purpose of the scoping study is to develop proposals for the purpose, functions and delivery options for a Family Justice Observatory that would promote a system wide approach to the generation and practical application of research evidence and administrative data relevant to family justice […]

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Using population level data to understand the family justice system – UCL and Lancaster partner at exciting event at the Farr Institute 30th Jan 2017

This one-day symposium at the Farr Institute brings together scholars interested in using administrative data to improve the evidence base for family justice policy and practice. We are delighted that the Troubled Family’s Team can join us, along with a great turnout of other experts. This is an opportunity to discuss how learning from this […]

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Rising Care Demand in the Family Courts

23rd February 2017, Nuffield Foundation, London Professor Judith Harwin, Professor Karen Broadhurst, Dr Bachar Alrou and Dr Stuart Bedston from the Centre for Child and Family Justice Research will join the President of the Family Division and colleagues to present new findings in rising care demand in the family courts. A Working Paper will be published […]

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Seminar by Cris McCurley and Summer Celebration

4.30 pm, Wednesday 27th July 2016, Library Teaching Room (C130), Lancaster University The Centre for Child and Family Justice Research is delighted to welcome Cris McCurley, who will be presenting a seminar about her work with BME families and access to justice through the family courts. Cris is a Resolution Accredited Specialist in International Child Abduction, […]

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Two New Blog Posts: Family Benefits

Two linked blog posts by Chris Grover about Family Benefits. Go to our blog page, or follow these direct links: How in Britain ‘family benefits’ became payable to mothers: service to nation, problem of wages and dependency From an ‘endowment for motherhood’ to a male breadwinner wage: ‘family benefits’ as a wage supplement

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Professor Karen Broadhurst to Lead National Family Justice Observatory Scoping Study

The Nuffield Foundation has appointed a team from Lancaster University and the Alliance for Useful Evidence to undertake a scoping study that will establish the purpose, functions, and delivery options for a national family justice observatory. Professor Karen Broadhurst from Lancaster University will lead the team, which will begin the 18-month study on 1 June […]

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