About us

Mary Neal is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Strathclyde and is the Principal Investigator: mary.neal@strath.ac.uk. Follow Mary on Twitter @maryfordneal.

Sara Fovargue is Professor of Law at Lancaster University and is a Co-Investigator: s.fovargue@lancaster.ac.uk. Follow Sara on Twitter @SFovargue.

Stephen Smith is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Law and Ethics at Cardiff University and is a Co-Investigator: smiths55@cardiff.ac.uk. Follow Stephen on Twitter @DrStephenWSmith.

Together and separately, we have written a number of articles relating to conscientious objection in health care.  We believe that conscientious objection should, in certain circumstances and subject to certain requirements, be accommodated within health care practice.

Follow our project on Twitter: @ACoRNacademic


ACoRN members:

Professor Margaret Brazier, University of Manchester.

Dr Christopher Cowley, University College Dublin.

Professor Bobbie Farsides, Brighton and Sussex Medical School.

Dr Lucy Firth, University of Liverpool.

Professor Valerie Fleming, Liverpool John Moores University.

Dr Barry Lyons, Trinity College Dublin.

Dr Paul McConnell, University of Glasgow.

Dr Peter West-Oram, Brighton and Sussex Medical School.


Lancaster Law School University of Strathclyde